
This section is where I evaluate each lab.

Lab 1: Sandbox Survey
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very Little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don't really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion
5-Strongly Agree

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
More background information would help the people coming into this activity with no prior knowledge. However, being thrown into an activity with no prior knowledge forces one to access the problem-solving part of their brain and get creative. I believe freedom in projects like this can be very valuable. 

Lab 2: Survey Grids
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very Little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this)

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion
5-Strongly Agree

4. What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
This activity required research and hands-on learning, which was very effective in my opinion. Knowing how to normalize the data before beginning this lab would have been useful. 

Lab 3: Cartographic Fundamentals
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this)

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion
5-Strongly Agree

4. What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
When it comes to something like this, in my opinion, hands-on doesn't really have any benefit. I think that having a list of the essentials and knowing how to make each of those features appear on your map is the most important thing. A straight-forward list of essentials and instructions is ideal for this activity.

Lab 4: Developing a Navigation Map
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very Little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion
5-Strongly Agree

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
I personally get the most tripped up on remembering the tiny details on how to do some things, such as how to change how many decimal places are showing. So, maybe having a loose guide as a reference to remember these things when I am working would be beneficial. It is challenging to move forward when I am stuck on such a small thing.

Lab 5: Using Survey123
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very Little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion
5-Strongly Agree

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
Honestly, this lab went very smoothly. The tutorial perfectly walked me through everything and was very simple to understand. Maybe it would be interesting to have a way to share our own survey with the rest of the class so that when we analyze the data it is more of a random sample, rather than made up information that we input on our own just to have a set of data.

Lab 6: Processing UAS Imagery
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very Little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion
5-Strongly Agree

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
This lab went really well. It helped to have a tutorial powerpoint to look back on to remember what was done in class. The only thing that might make it better would be a better understanding of how the data was collected in the first place.

Lab 7: Distance Azimuth Survey
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very Little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion
5-Strongly Agree

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
A little bit more proper instruction on exactly how to use each device would have been helpful. Other than that, this activity was very successful and I would not change a thing.

Lab 9: Microclimate in Arc Collector
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very Little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this)

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion
5-Strongly Agree

4. What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

Nothing, it was great!

Lab 10: Arc Collector: Part II
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very Little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this)

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion
5-Strongly Agree

4. What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
I didn't quite set up my data collection feature layer properly, so better instruction on how to create a categorical type attribute would have been helpful. I was still able to make a categorical feature map though. 

Lab 11: UAS Data Collection
1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic?
1-No Knowledge at all
2-Very Little Knowledge
3-Some knowledge
4-A good amount of knowledge
5-I knew all about this)

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic?
1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic
2- I know enough to explain what I did
3-I know enough to repeat what I did
4-I know enough to teach someone else
5- I am an expert

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn?
1-Strongly Disagree
3-No real opinion

5-Strongly Agree

4. What type of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
Prior understanding of all of the equipment we are using at least to a general degree. I felt I didn't actually know what we were using and how it was working and that was difficult for me to get past. 

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